Fishing Reel Bearings Information

Fishing Reel Bearings Information

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Fishing reels use precision bearings to enable them to run smoothly. They don't require high precision bearings. Abec 1 precision is acceptable for fishing reels. 

If you are looking to increase your casting distance, the most important factor you need to
address is to find free running bearings. This does not mean high precision bearings.

To enable a bearing to run freely you can do two things.

● Use a light oil lubrication instead of grease.
● Use a bearing with increased internal clearance.

Addressing the above two factors will greatly increase your casting distance. The price difference between a grease filled bearing and an oil filled bearing is usually minimal, whereas a true Abec 5 or Abec 7 high precision bearing will be three to six times the price of a standard bearing and will make no difference to your distance. 

If you are looking for longer life from your reel bearings, then grease filled is the
way to go. Grease protects the internal parts of the bearing much better than oil.
Longer bearing life: grease filled. Free running bearings: oil filled.

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